Welcome to LKR school

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Lakshmidevamma Kavalappa Reddy Education Trust

School started in the year 1992 only with as LAKSHMIDEVAMMA KAVALAPPA REDDY EDUCATION TRUST by Honorable President NANDA S.

By Blessings of God, Management Dedication & Teachers team work it has emerged as a BEST SCHOOL in Pandavapura Taluk with over 25 years of Span, we have CBSE Board with the 100% Results of 10th Std from the beginning & Continuing.

The values of LKR CBSE SCHOOL are rightly embedded in its motto, “Read, Lead and Succeed”. The focus is on what matters the most – involving the child with everyday experiences that enable them to understand and interact with the world around them. The holistic academic curriculum, combined with the varied extracurricular activities ensures that learning at LKR CBSE SCHOOL is not only fun, but is also well – balanced and suitably challenging for all.  

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Our mission is to offer a impactful education that empowers students to succeed academically and make positive contributions, to society.


Our vision is to inspire a passion for learning and a peaceful, productive and orderly learning environment.


Our Goal is to provide a learning environment where students are inspired to explore their potential and thrive as creative beings.

Why Choose us ?

why school

"The beautiful thing about learning is that no one can take it away from you."

- B.B. King